
Visiting Group in PyCon JP 2019

PyCon is a platform for Python users to get together for Python. This year, people affiliated with PyCon TW formed a visiting group to attend PyCon JP. It’s the first international outreach from PyCon TW, and a great opportunity for us to experience different culture.


The theme of PyCon JP 2019 is "Python New Era", an idea of the new era in Japan and the new era of Python3.
(The picture is from PyCon JP 2019 official website)
PyCon JP 2019 is held September 14 to 17 at Tokyo. September 14th and 15th are Development Sprints and Tutorial Day, respectively. The conference is on September 16th and 17th at Ota Cty Industrial Plaza (PiO).
The conference includes keynotes, invited talks, technical talks, poster sessions, jobs fair, lightning talks, and many other activities. The topics of them involve project case studies, machine learning, data science, web programming, etc. This year PyCon JP has 951 participants in the conference alone, and 1160 participants including sprints and tutorials. It is the largest body of total participants ever. (See also https://www.pycon.jp/organizer/ .) And here is the schedule of the conference (youtube videos are attached): https://pycon.jp/2019/schedule/ .
Also, our visiting group took notes for the sprint, the welcome party, and the conference on HackMD:


PyCon Taiwan 2019 Registration is Open!

2019 台灣 Python 年會門票 7/31 開賣! 需要向公司申請報帳的會眾, 請購買企業票; 如果公司多位同事要一起參加, 可洽詢企業團購票; 不需要向公司申請報帳的話, 可以購買個人票, 個人早鳥期間 7/31 到 8/14 限時又限量, 請把握優惠期限.


講者、工作人員、貢獻者, 請透過保留票種, 填寫邀請碼並完成繳費, 就能取得門票.

想了解更多議程訊息, 包括基調講者/演講時段/專業課程, 請參考年會官網內容.

The registration is open on July 31. Grab your ticket befor they are sold out. Need reimbursement from your company? Check out Corporate Ticket first, where you can see two EXTRA required fields on its registration form, Invoiced Company Name and Unified Business No., needed specially for local companies to meet our tax regulation. If no reimbursement needed, you can buy Individual Ticket and might get the EarlyBird discount rate.

For Speakers, Volunteers, and Contributors, we will send you invitation codes. Please visit the Reserved Tickets page for registration.

For more detailed schedule info, please visit PyCon Taiwan 2019 website.



企業票種的註冊問卷可填寫統編資訊, 因此適於報帳場合; 個人票的註冊問卷無法填寫統編資訊.


PyCon Taiwan 是和財團法人開放文化基金會合作舉辦, 預設會寄送電子發票, 賣方統一編號 38552170

售票平台與 KKTIX 合作, 完成註冊後會收到 KKTIX 系統寄送的訂票證明, 樣式像下例所示:

我發現企業票每次只能買一張, 是指只能一人進場嗎? 公司其他員工也能進場嗎?

一張企業票, 只能一人入場.

如果公司內有多位 (例如5位以上) 同仁想參加, 可考慮企業票團購.

不過, 即使是團購票, 每一位都要獨立填寫註冊問卷, 因為需要個別會眾的紀念衫尺寸或飲食習慣等調查資訊.


如果公司內有多位 (預設是 5 位) 夥伴想要一起報名, 可以考慮洽詢團購優惠價.


企業票團購範例, 可先參考下列試算:
申請 5 張的優惠金額是 1000元, 付款總金額是 5500x5-1000=26500元
申請 8 張的優惠金額是 1800元, 付款總金額是 5500x8-1800=42200元
申請 10張的優惠金額是 2500元, 付款總金額是 5500x10-2500=52500元

數量越多, 優惠自然越多; 如果您過往對 PyCon 或 Python 社群有所貢獻, 也歡迎讓我們知道, 會列為考量.

我想參加 PyCon Taiwan 但有財務壓力怎樣辦?

請善用 Financial Aid 財務補助方案, 或是考慮擔任志工.


PyCon Taiwan 2019 Financial Aid

PyCon Taiwan 2019 財務補助開跑!

Financial Aid program in PyCon Taiwan 2019 is opening application!

本著 Everyone Contributes / Everyone Pays policy 的同時,今年的 PyCon Taiwan 也和往年一樣,也懷著取之於社群也用之於社群的初衷,提供有需要的人財務補助。

Whilst following the Everyone Contributes / Everyone Pays policy, we also provide a financial aid program to help friends in the community, financially or otherwise.

如果您真的對 PyCon Taiwan 很有興趣,但礙於某些經濟考量的話,別忘了您可考慮申請財務補助。

Don't forget applying financial aid, if you are really interested in participating in PyCon Taiwan but in some economic considerations.


More details in official website https://tw.pycon.org/2019/registration/financial-aid/


Postponement Annoucement: May 20 CFP Acceptance Announcement

Dear proposal submitters, 

We are sorry to delay the announcement of accepted proposals.
不好意思,原訂於 5/20 要公告的初步錄取稿件名單將會延後

Due to the increasement in the number of proposals and the data corruption, there was a delay in the operation.

We expect to deliver the announcement by the end of this month.

If you have not received any notification, please wait for good news.

We appreciate your patience and apologize for the inconvenience.

Your sincerely,
PyCon Taiwan


PyCon Taiwan Fanatic Application

Are You a PyCon Animal? #MyPyCon
Share You PyCon Memories and Get Your #PyConTW2019 Fanatic Tickets!
你是 PyCon 派對動物嗎? 你是 Python 鐵粉嗎?
分享你的熱血回憶, 取得 #PyConTW2019 鐵粉優惠價!

The regular or corporate ticket registration for PyCon Taiwan 2019 is expected to start in late July. However, we open the Fanatic Ticket application during the April 1st week.

2019 台灣 Python 年會一般票或企業票售票時間預計在 7 月底公告,不過,在 4 月 1 日這週,我們先開放鐵粉票購買申請,限時又限量,以下是申請辦法說明。

Fanatic Tickets are limited, only 54, make sure to apply them before April 8th. Note that no refund service for the Fanatic Ticket.

鐵粉票限時又限量,最多只有 54 張,售完即止,鐵粉票最晚請在 4 月 8 日並提出申請。請注意,鐵粉票一經售出,並無提供退票服務。

Post your PyCon or Python event memories on social media, with #MyPyCon hashtag, send your link to organizers@pycon.tw to apply for the Fanatic Ticket. You will be replied with the Invitation Code. Go https://pycontw.kktix.cc/events/20190920-reserved to purchase your ticket.

請在社群媒體公開你的 PyCon 或 Python 活動記錄,使用 #MyPyCon 標籤,把網址連結寄到 organizers@pycon.tw 申請購買鐵粉票,信件主旨請註明「MyPyCon 鐵粉票申請」,一經同意,你會取得邀請碼,再到 https://pycontw.kktix.cc/events/20190920-reserved 輸入邀請碼來完成購票。

Here is an example