
Sponsor of PyCon 2014 - Appier

Appier, the first company in Taiwan chosen to receive investments from Sequoia Capital in 2014, gave a lot of support to PyCon APAC 2014. We were very pleased to have an opportunity for Appier to share their knowledge and experience with us.

During PyCon APAC 2014, Appier exchanged ideas with numerous partners to circulate the latest information about new applications and Python trends. Talented engineers from all over the world enthusiastically participated in this conference, which included many well-known Python researchers, professionals, business developers, and power users.

PyCon gave us the chance to discuss the further development of Python with fellow enthusiasts from abroad, and helped make them aware of the talented people working on Python in Taiwan. Python really is not just a programming language, but also a culture that helps many engineers fix problems in their businesses and daily lives.

Do not miss the chance to share ideas about Python next year. We expect the conference to grow significantly larger in 2015, and Appier hopes to see a lot more Trenders there. Let’s all try to join PyCon APAC 2015!

#pyconapac2015 Call for Sponsor
PyCon APAC 2015


[PyCon APAC 2015 每週一推]
今年在台灣獲得紅衫資本投資的 「Appier 沛星互動科技」,也給予 PyCon APAC 2014 非常多的支持。我們非常榮幸的邀請到 Appier 與大家分享今年參與的心得:

Appier 很高興能夠有機會參與 PyCon APAC 2014 研討會,跟最優秀的 Python 參與者進行交流,了解更多 Python 的最新發展與應用。

PyCon 就像是一個 Python 的嘉年華會,每一個參加者都對 Python 有無比的熱情,深度地投入於活動的議程當中。在 PyCon,Appier 遇見了許多優質的人才,可以說是頂尖工程師的人才集散地。

PyCon 亦是一個國際級的活動,來參加的人不僅限於台灣地區的使用者,參與的講者包含了許多世界知名的 Python 研究者、業界使用者及開發者。在這裡,我們有機會與來自世界各地的優秀人才交流,進而了解 Python 的使用發展,也能讓世界一流人士更認識台灣的優秀人才。

Python 不僅僅是一個程式語言,許多工程師透過 Python 解決的是人類在日常生活中、商業環境中、以及任何地方所遇到的問題。

不要錯過這個可以跟國際級 Python 人才交流的機會。Appier 期待明年再次與大家相見!

我們也期待更多來自不同領域的好手及公司,支持PyCon APAC 2015 的活動。並在明年與我們相約 PyCon APAC 2015 現場!一起感受 Back to the __Future__ 的激盪與交流!

#pyconapac2015 贊助商募集中
PyCon APAC 2015 網址

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