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English version below
謹代表籌備團隊,歡迎所有朋友蒞臨台灣 Python 年會,有您的參與和付出,我們才能打造逐年成長的 PyCon 活動,這份豐碩成果,來自全體 Python 愛好者的貢獻,在此獻上由衷謝意。特別感謝我們的贊助商,包括 KKBOX、玉山銀行、趨勢科技在內的廠商夥伴,創造價值的路上有你們同行,真好!
這次年會有些實驗新意,像是:在地黑客擔任主題講者、擴大在地社群的交流支援、投稿採用兩階段審稿機制、安排 FinTech 議程、嘗試多元的贊助管道、即時成影的導播系統、智慧販賣機的互動遊戲、青少年程式教學的經驗分享;另一方面,PyCon 與眾不同之處,來自於它堅守傳統的背後理念,像是:Value First、Code of Conduct、公平付費、財務補助、社群多樣化。無論如何,恭喜您克服時空限制、金錢顧慮,親身參與 Python 年會,我們也邀請您在活動期間全心投入,相信這會是一次收獲滿滿的體驗。
Python 不只是個很棒的程式語言,它真正迷人之處,是社群。Pythonista 知道 import __future__ 之後,可以進入一個新世界,不再侷限於舊有框架,邀請大家把這項理念帶進現實生活,為自己和他人創造更好的未來。想讓台灣的軟體生態系發展得更好,要做的事很多,這一切並非理所當然,惟有動手實作,想要的未來才會實現。
“I'd like to know you by your values, not by your types, classes or roles.”
— 唐鳳 (@audreyt) December 17, 2011
In the near future, we will have every week booked by PyCONs around the world. #pycontw 2016 pic.twitter.com/YUbpyzclTC
— TsungWei Hu (@l34marr) December 1, 2015
Hello Friends,
Welcome to PyCon Taiwan 2016. Thank you all for attending and making our event successful. We appreciate your contribution and participation, that is essential to the community. Special thanks goes to our fantastic sponsors, who help keep this event accessible to the widest group possible.
Each year we bring new ideas into the PyCon Taiwan event. For example, this year we invite local hackers as keynote speakers for the first time, and arrange a FinTech session to outreach for the wider audience. That said, what makes a PyCon unique is the convention that we keep carrying out for years. For example, the idea of Value First, Code of Conduct, Everybody Pays, Financial Aids, and Community Diversity. So, here you are in the PyCon Taiwan venue, please keep engaged and enjoy everything around you, that I’m sure will be an amazing experience.
Python is a great programming language, supported by a great community, which is vast, diverse, and aims to grow. Every Pythonista knows that import __future__ enables new language features which are not compatible with the current interpreter. You are encouraged to embrace this idea to create a better world. A better future is not taken for granted. We, together, predict the future by implementing it.
TsungWei Hu
Chair, PyCon Taiwan 2016
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