
PyCon APAC and PyCon Taiwan

What is PyCon APAC?

Python Conference APAC (PyCon APAC) is authorized by Python Software Foundation, PSF, and organized by the Python community in APAC.

PyCon APAC is held once a year. It started in Singapore in 2010, moved to Japan in 2013. In 2014, it came to Taiwan for the first time. and “again”  it is hosted in Taiwan this year. PyCon APAC 2022 is hosted by the organizing team of PyCon Taiwan and other Python communities in the Asia-Pacific region. In this grand feast, we are honored to invite all the friends from various fields to learn, share new technological developments, and inspire new ideas from each other.

What are the Taiwan Python Conference (Python Conference Taiwan, PyCon Taiwan) and The organizing team of PyCon Taiwan?

The organizing team of PyCon Taiwan is a local Python community in Taiwan to organize and prepare for the Python Conference Taiwan. PyCon Taiwan is focused on exchanging Python technology and its various possible applications. PyCon Taiwan is committed to building a platform for Taiwanese and foreign Python enthusiasts to communicate. PyCon Taiwan also follows the principle of Everybody Contributes, which has become a feature of PyCon Taiwan that is different from other conferences in Taiwan.

PyCon Taiwan is an annual Python Conference in Taiwan. Because the organizing team of PyCon Taiwan is driving, hosting, and organizing PyCon APAC this year (2022) along with the other Python communities in APAC, the annual PyCon Taiwan will be “upgraded” to PyCon APAC 2022.

PyCon APAC 2022 is planned to run as a virtual conference event for the border control of pandemic to make most Python developers, users, and promoters participate.

PyCon APAC 與 PyCon Taiwan

什麼是 PyCon APAC?

PyCon APAC ( 全名是 Python Conference APAC ),是獲得 Python 軟體基金會 ( Python Software Foundation , PSF )授權,並且由亞洲太平洋地區的 Python 社群自發性舉辦的研討會。

PyCon APAC 每年舉辦一次,自2010年由新加坡開始、2013年移師到日本,並且在2014年首次在台灣舉辦,今年又再度於台灣登場。PyCon APAC 2022 將由 Python Taiwan 籌備團隊主辦,與其他亞太地區的 Python 社群共同籌辦,我們非常誠摯地邀請各位 Python 的愛好者,一同參與這場盛宴,互相學習、分享新的技術發展、激盪出更多的新創意。

台灣 Python 年會跟 PyCon Taiwan 籌備團隊

PyCon Taiwan 籌備團隊(以下簡稱「我們」)是由一群台灣在地的 Python 社群自發性組織的社群,負責籌備台灣 Python 年會 ( Python Conference Taiwan , PyCon Taiwan ),PyCon Taiwan 主要聚焦在促進 Python 技術的交流與其未來的各種可能發展性,為台灣本土及世界各地的 Python 愛好者提供一個開放且友善的平台。PyCon Taiwan 依循 PyCon US 的 Everybody Contributes 的原則籌備,這也成為 PyCon Taiwan 有別於台灣地區其他年會的一大特色。

PyCon Taiwan 是一年一度的台灣 Python 盛會,今年由於我們榮獲了承辦 PyCon APAC 2022 的機會,將每年舉辦的 PyCon Taiwan 升級至 PyCon APAC。因受疫情影響,年會將以線上交流形式舉辦,為廣大的亞太地區 Python 愛好者提供一個既安全又新鮮的體驗!

如果你想要知道更多我們如何透過 Gather Town 舉辦線上活動,可以點擊這裡觀看更多!


PyCon APAC 2022 Call for Proposal Deadlines and Important Dates

PyCon APAC 2022 will be held fully remote on September 3-4. And the official release time of the call for papers will start on March 1 and end on April 15.


  • March 1st: Talks & Tutorial CFP begins

  • April 15th, 23:59:59 (AoE): Talks & Tutorial CFP ends
  • April 15: End of Call for Proposals

  • April 16 ~ Apr 30: First round review

  • May 7 ~ May 21: Modification stage for submitters

  • May 22 ~ June 5: Second round review

  • June 12: Announce accepted and rejected proposals, and the waiting list



  • All online talks will be pre-recorded, optionally with live Q&A sessions.

  • Proposal for talks made shall be in English or Mandarin Chinese.

PyCon APAC 2022 will be held in "Fully Remote". Our online attendees, including online speakers, will also join our Discord to interact with others and watch talks live. Last year in PyCon Taiwan, we used Gather Town to give attendees an experience that is comparable to in-person participation. If you are interested in how Gather Town is used in PyCon Taiwan, see here !

 We're looking forward to the upcoming PyCon APAC 2022 :)

 #PyConAPAC2022  #PyConAPAC #PyConTW


Call for Project Leader of Sprint Event on March 13rd 2022

Sprint Event: March 13rd (Sun) 10:00 ~ 16:30 (TST)

Venue: Gather Town (the link will be announced later)

Call for Project Leader by Feb 28th (Mon) 23:59:59 (TST)

Please fill this form out to register your projects as a project leader https://forms.gle/fGaqfN31YKJdv7xC6



由於疫情目前尚未穩定,本次的 Sprint 會搬至 Gather 舉行,讓專案主持人和會眾能放心的在線上盡情的與專案主持人進行衝刺開發。對每一個專案,我們會開設在 Gather 的場地內的一個專屬房間。


舉行時間:3 月 13 日 (日) 10:00 ~ 16:30 (TST)

會場:Gather Town 線上舉行 (連結會事後公告)

專案主持人 Project Leader 招募截止日期:2 月 28 日 (一) 23:59:59 (TST)

請專案主持人在招募截止日期前,填寫報名登記表 https://forms.gle/fGaqfN31YKJdv7xC6

PyCon APAC 2022 將由 PyCon Taiwan 籌備團隊於 2022 九月舉辦

我們很高興宣佈今年 ( 2022 )的 PyCon APAC 將由台灣 Python 年會籌備團隊 ( PyCon Taiwan Organizing Team )主辦。日期為 2022 九月三日至四日、線上舉辦。歡迎訂閱 PyCon Taiwan @PyConTW 以持續追蹤更多最新消息!!

什麼是 PyCon APAC

Python Conference APAC ( PyCon APAC ) 是由 Python 軟體基金會 ( Python Software Foundation , PSF ) 授權、由亞洲太平洋地區的 Python 社群、自發性為亞太地區 Python 愛好者所舉辦的研討會。

它於 2010 由新加坡開始,在 2013 年移師日本東京,並於 2014 年首次來到台灣台北,PyCon APAC 每年舉辦一次,而今年 PyCon APAC 再次以台灣為主場、由 Python Taiwan 籌備團隊主辦、與其他亞太地區的 Python 社群共同籌辦,進行一次盛大的饗宴,邀請各界同好一齊相互學習、分享新的技術發展、激發新創意。

台灣 Python 年會 ( Python Conference Taiwan , PyCon Taiwan ) 與 PyCon Taiwan 籌備團隊

PyCon Taiwan 籌備團隊是一個由台灣在地 Python 社群自發組織與籌備台灣 Python 年會 ( Python Conference Taiwan Python )的社群,PyCon Taiwan 是聚焦在交流  Python 技術與其多樣的可能應用,並致力促進台灣國內外 Python 愛好者交流的平台。PyCon Taiwan 依循 PyCon US 的 Everybody Contributes 的原則籌備,這也成為 PyCon Taiwan 有別於台灣地區其他年會的一項特色。

PyCon Taiwan 是台灣一年一度盛大的 Python 活動,今年由於 PyCon Taiwan 籌備團隊承辦 PyCon APAC 2022 ,所以每年舉辦的 PyCon Taiwan 擴大辦理成 PyCon APAC、廣邀整個亞太地區的 Python 愛好者參與交流。因為疫情與邊境管制的關係,年會計畫藉由舉辦線上的交流形式來讓最多的亞太地區 Python 愛好者能夠一起共襄盛舉。


PyCon APAC 2022 Will be Hosted by PyCon Taiwan Organizing Team in September 2022

We are thrilled to announce that PyCon APAC 2022 will be hosted by us this year. The date of PyCon APAC 2022 is 3-4 September 2022. The main conference is planned as a virtual event, so our APAC and global friends (YOU!) could participate easily.

More details will be announced soon. Follow us on Twitter @PyConTW. Stay tuned!

PyCon APAC and PyCon Taiwan Organizing Team

Python Conference APAC (PyCon APAC) is authorized by Python Software Foundation, PSF, and organized by the Python community in APAC.

PyCon Taiwan is an annual Python Conference in Taiwan, organized by the PyCon Taiwan organizing team composed of the regional/local Python community in Taiwan. Because the organizing team of PyCon Taiwan is driving, hosting, and organizing PyCon APAC this year (2022) with the other Python communities in APAC, the annual PyCon Taiwan will be “upgraded” to PyCon APAC 2022.

PyCon APAC 2022 is planned to run as a virtual conference event for the border control of pandemic to make most Python developers, users, and promoters participle. If you are not from APAC, you are still more than welcome to join this virtual event. Stay tuned!